Hi everyone. I can’t believe our 3rd Annual Holiday Party is just around the corner. Come on down to Priority Public House next Tuesday, December 5th at 5 PM and support your community. Fellow surfer Brian McBride is kind enough to host us again and we ask that you bring a canned or boxed food to the event if you can. We’ll be donating it to families in need this holiday season. Make sure to get there early as we’ve filled up quickly in year’s past. Also wanted to say thanks to everyone that came to the SUPERbranded X NCBM party November 16th. We received well over 100 toys for the Community Resource Center as well as a new bike from Electra!
Your generosity is going to stoke out a lot of groms this Xmas. Thank you also to the crew at SUPERbrand for their hospitality. And thanks to you for a great 2017 and we’ll see you next week at Priority Public House!
Keep Surfing,
Michael W. GlennChairman,