As surfers, we know saltwater like the back of our hands. But our least understood liquid? WINE. Lucky for us, we’re having our next Biz Mixer at Caves Wine Shop! Founded by NCBM member Gavin Barnes and his wife Amy, their new store is the perfect place to learn about the world of wine, network, and give back to our community. This special event is sponsored by our good friend Chris Hendricks of Fox Law APC, so come join us at 5:30 PM on Thursday, November 21st to meet up and kick off the weekend in style. Located at 1410 N Coast Hwy 101, it’s the perfect location in the heart of Leucadia – make sure to mark your calendars. Thanks for the support and we’ll see you there!
For more information about our upcoming event or just NCBM in general, email northcountyboardmeeting@gmail.com or check out ncboardmeeting.org!